Como germinar sementes de limão

1) Encha um vasinho pequeno (que caiba dentro da caneca que vai usar como vaso decorativo exterior) com terra.
2) Corte um limão e retire as sementes. Escolha as sementes maiores, porque são as que estão maduras.
3) Lave as sementes de limão em água corrente, garantindo que  remove todo o sumo. O sumo ajuda os fungos a crescer e assim matar as suas sementes.
4) Plante as suas sementes cerca de 1,5 cm de profundidade no centro do  vaso. Semeie assim que acabar de lavar as sementes para, que germinem mais facilmente.
5) Humedeça o solo com água tomando cuidado para não o encharcar.
6) Cubra seu vaso com filme plástico e coloque-o  num local quente, perto de um ajanela com sol por exemplo até que as suas sementes germinem.
7) Disfrute de uma planta decorativa que lhe vai aromatizar a cozinha, quando estiver com um tamanho razoável transplante as suas pequenas plantas para um vaso maior, adube-as e leve-as para o exterior, com sorte uma destas plantas irá transformar-se num limoeiro. Caso não tenha espaço exterior, mantenha-o  vaso junto a uma Janela ensolarada e terá um limeoiro dentro de casa aromatizando o ambiente mas claro com um tamanho bem mais pequeno do que se estivesse lá fora.

Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds

indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.
1) Encha um vaso dentro de duas polegadas para o topo com envasamento solo a partir de um saco fechado.
2) Pegue um limão e cortado ao meio com uma faca afiada. Retire a semente madura - você pode dizer se uma semente está madura, porque vai ser gordo.
3) Lave as sementes de limão na água, garantindo que você remova todo o sugarcoating. O açúcar irá encorajar fungos para crescer e matar suas plantas de limão.
4) plantar suas sementes de limão cerca de meia polegada de profundidade no centro do seu vaso. Você precisa fazer isso imediatamente como secas sementes de limão não vai germinar.
5) Umedeça o seu envasamento solo com água tomando cuidado para não sobre a água-lo.
6) Cubra seu vaso com filme plástico e coloque-o em um local quente, tal como o topo do frigorífico até que você observe suas sementes germinadas.
7) Mova o vaso a um brilhante área iluminada como uma janela e desfrutar.

1) Encha um vaso dentro de duas polegadas para o topo com envasamento solo a partir de um saco fechado.
2) Pegue um limão e cortado ao meio com uma faca afiada. Retire a semente madura - você pode dizer se uma semente está madura, porque vai ser gordo.
3) Lave as sementes de limão na água, garantindo que você remova todo o sugarcoating. O açúcar irá encorajar fungos para crescer e matar suas plantas de limão.
4) plantar suas sementes de limão cerca de meia polegada de profundidade no centro do seu vaso. Você precisa fazer isso imediatamente como secas sementes de limão não vai germinar.
5) Umedeça o seu envasamento solo com água tomando cuidado para não sobre a água-lo.
6) Cubra seu vaso com filme plástico e coloque-o em um local quente, tal como o topo do frigorífico até que você observe suas sementes germinadas.
7) Mova o vaso a um brilhante área iluminada como uma janela e desfrutar.

1) Encha um vaso dentro de duas polegadas para o topo com envasamento solo a partir de um saco fechado.
2) Pegue um limão e cortado ao meio com uma faca afiada. Retire a semente madura - você pode dizer se uma semente está madura, porque vai ser gordo.
3) Lave as sementes de limão na água, garantindo que você remova todo o sugarcoating. O açúcar irá encorajar fungos para crescer e matar suas plantas de limão.
4) plantar suas sementes de limão cerca de meia polegada de profundidade no centro do seu vaso. Você precisa fazer isso imediatamente como secas sementes de limão não vai germinar.
5) Umedeça o seu envasamento solo com água tomando cuidado para não sobre a água-lo.
6) Cubra seu vaso com filme plástico e coloque-o em um local quente, tal como o topo do frigorífico até que você observe suas sementes germinadas.
7) Mova o vaso a um brilhante área iluminada como uma janela e desfrutar.

1) Encha um vaso dentro de duas polegadas para o topo com envasamento solo a partir de um saco fechado.
2) Pegue um limão e cortado ao meio com uma faca afiada. Retire a semente madura - você pode dizer se uma semente está madura, porque vai ser gordo.
3) Lave as sementes de limão na água, garantindo que você remova todo o sugarcoating. O açúcar irá encorajar fungos para crescer e matar suas plantas de limão.
4) plantar suas sementes de limão cerca de meia polegada de profundidade no centro do seu vaso. Você precisa fazer isso imediatamente como secas sementes de limão não vai germinar.
5) Umedeça o seu envasamento solo com água tomando cuidado para não sobre a água-lo.
6) Cubra seu vaso com filme plástico e coloque-o em um local quente, tal como o topo do frigorífico até que você observe suas sementes germinadas.
7) Mova o vaso a um brilhante área iluminada como uma janela e desfrutar.

1) Encha um vaso dentro de duas polegadas para o topo com envasamento solo a partir de um saco fechado.
2) Pegue um limão e cortado ao meio com uma faca afiada. Retire a semente madura - você pode dizer se uma semente está madura, porque vai ser gordo.
3) Lave as sementes de limão na água, garantindo que você remova todo o sugarcoating. O açúcar irá encorajar fungos para crescer e matar suas plantas de limão.
4) plantar suas sementes de limão cerca de meia polegada de profundidade no centro do seu vaso. Você precisa fazer isso imediatamente como secas sementes de limão não vai germinar.
5) Umedeça o seu envasamento solo com água tomando cuidado para não sobre a água-lo.
6) Cubra seu vaso com filme plástico e coloque-o em um local quente, tal como o topo do frigorífico até que você observe suas sementes germinadas.
7) Mova o vaso a um brilhante área iluminada como uma janela e desfrutar.

1) Encha um vaso dentro de duas polegadas para o topo com envasamento solo a partir de um saco fechado.
2) Pegue um limão e cortado ao meio com uma faca afiada. Retire a semente madura - você pode dizer se uma semente está madura, porque vai ser gordo.
3) Lave as sementes de limão na água, garantindo que você remova todo o sugarcoating. O açúcar irá encorajar fungos para crescer e matar suas plantas de limão.
4) plantar suas sementes de limão cerca de meia polegada de profundidade no centro do seu vaso. Você precisa fazer isso imediatamente como secas sementes de limão não vai germinar.
5) Umedeça o seu envasamento solo com água tomando cuidado para não sobre a água-lo.
6) Cubra seu vaso com filme plástico e coloque-o em um local quente, tal como o topo do frigorífico até que você observe suas sementes germinadas.
7) Mova o vaso a um brilhante área iluminada como uma janela e desfrutar.

Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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Do you love lemons? Do you find yourself buying lemons at the grocery store constantly? Did you know that you can plant lemon seeds indoors and grow small lemon trees inside your home or office? Planting lemon seeds indoors not only provides you beautiful greenery to look at  but smells fantastic. Follow our step-by-step guide and you will have an amazing aroma in your home or office.

1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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1) Fill a flowerpot within two inches to the top with potting soil from an unopened bag.
2) Take a lemon and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove the mature seed – you can tell if a seed is mature because it will be plump.
3) Rinse your lemon seeds in water ensuring that you remove all the sugarcoating. The sugar will encourage fungi to grow and kill your lemon plants.
4) Plant your lemon seed about a half an inch deep in the center of your flowerpot. You need to do this immediately as dried lemon seeds will not germinate.
5) Moisten your potting soil with water making sure not to over water it.
6) Cover your flowerpot with plastic wrap, and place it in a warm location such as the top of the refrigerator until you notice your seeds have germinated.
7) Move your flowerpot to a bright lit area such as a window and enjoy.
 18.9K 137 5
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